Discover Slane E-bikes
Slane E-bikes For fun & fitness

About us
Before the first lockdown of 2020, my husband Allan and I went to the Toronto Bicycle show.
We fell in love with the Slane Victoria Ebike and later teamed up with Bill & Annie of Slane Ebikes LTD
O2RIDE INC. became the exclusive Eastern Canadian Distributor of Slane Ebikes.
From the start, our experience with Slane Ebikes has been exceptional. Their e-bikes are of excellent quality and value, and the training and support are top-notch. Customers benefit from a reliable Slane Dealer network and enjoy well-assembled e-bikes with complete warranty protection, parts supply and support. Repeat and referral sales constitute the majority of our Slane sales.
Bob Ullman, Ebike Tech
Les vélos électriques Slane nous impressionnent par leur qualité et leur durabilité. Leur rapport qualité-prix est difficile à égaler, et ils répondent parfaitement aux besoins d’une clientèle variée. Nous sommes particulièrement ravis de voir à quel point ils redonnent le goût de bouger à des personnes plus âgées, qui apprécient le confort et la facilité d’utilisation pour se remettre au sport en douceur. C’est un réel plaisir de constater leur succès auprès de tous!
Martin Allard, Propriétaire
Moto Sport 100 Limites, Drummondville
Je recommande fortement les vélos Slane. Leur qualité de fabrication est irréprochable, offrant des modèles fiables et performants qui plaisent autant aux débutants qu’aux cyclistes expérimentés. Ce qui distingue vraiment Slane, c’est leur excellent rapport qualité-prix, leur design bien pensé et surtout leur service exceptionnel. Leur rapidité de réponse et leur efficacité font toute la différence lorsque nous avons besoin de soutien ou de pièces. Avec Slane, nous avons l’assurance de proposer à nos clients des vélos électriques de confiance, accompagnés d’un service après-vente réactif et professionnel. Une marque sur laquelle nous pouvons compter!
Steve St-Germain, Spécialiste Ebike
Les Composantes du Lac, Dolbeau-Mistassini
I highly recommend Slane Ebikes. Their build quality is impeccable, offering reliable, high-performance models that appeal to beginners and experienced cyclists alike. What really sets Slane apart is their excellent value for money, their well-thought-out design and above all their exceptional service. Their speed of response and efficiency make all the difference when we need support or parts. With Slane, we have the assurance of offering our customers reliable electric bikes accompanied by responsive and professional after-sales service. A brand we can count on!
Steve St-Germain, Ebike Specialist
Les Composantes du Lac, Dolbeau-Mistassini
I recommend Slane Ebikes to our customers as they are quality e-bikes at a reasonable price. I'm also the Technician who works on them, and the support system Slane has set up is second to none. This level of support helps me get my customers back on the road quickly.
Jason Olson, CD
We have had the pleasure of working with Slane Ebikes for a few years now. Our customers enjoy the various models Slane Ebikes offers. We've sold trikes, mountain bikes and hybrids - all with glowing rider reports! When we had service issues, Slane Ebikes dealt with them quickly and efficiently, thus quickly getting our riders back on the road.
Stan Gorecki, Owner
It is such a pleasure to interact with the staff at Slane Ebikes. They are always quick to assist, making sourcing/ordering parts easy. They understand the importance of timely repairs for us and often have parts at our door within 48 hours. They are a great team to work with!
Matt Walsh, Owner
The global phenomenon of the sale, service, and repair of eBikes shows no sign of abatement. I was so very happy to discover Anne and Allan at O2RIDE INC. in Ontario. Finally, a real person on the phone with real answers and suggestions for their line of SLANE Ebikes and much more! Thanks so much - you fill me with hope!
Tony Dale, Owner Cycle and Mobility
I want to say how much I appreciate the quality of the Slane Ebikes. They are a well-built Ebike, and you don't have to break the bank to buy one. We have been selling Slane Ebikes in our store for a few years and are very happy with the brand. Parts are never an issue, with Anne from O2RIDE looking after getting parts out quickly and efficiently. Allan (O2RIDE INC) and Bill (SLANE EBIKE LTD) support us should we have any technical questions. I highly recommend anyone trying them out.
Dan Powell, Owner
Note: Pricing may vary by Dealership, Province and Location due to fluctuating worldwide shipping and freight rates. Note: Some Dealers may charge additional PDI & freight fees. The Dealer, not the Manufacturer or Distributor, determines these amounts. Please check with your local Dealer. Specifications subject to change. Slane reserves the right to change or improve its products without notice.